
Campaign toolkit






A new recipe for a new time​

Gourmondo has been catering to the Seattle community for more than 20 years. Long before sustainability and Doordash were a thing, they were making their own dressings, sauces, and brownies, partnering with local vendors, and delivering gourmet-level cuisine to meetings and events all around the city. Then, COVID-19 hit. As in-person events and office meetings came to a screeching halt, their delivered boxed lunch service instantly became their only real revenue source – a service they needed to capitalize on quickly. They needed a marketing plan to handle the transition and a refreshed campaign to ensure rapid growth as people returned to “normal” and coped with ever-changing meeting guidelines. They needed our hustle and smarts. 


Through discovery interviews, we found that while Gourmondo is being evaluated by their main customer – executive administrators – those customers are also being evaluated by their co-workers, executives, and clients who consume the meals. Our strategy: Provide a delicious solution that will alleviate an admins’ hectic day, while also earning them credit for having great taste. ​

From there, the campaign #teamgoals was born. We spoke to what busy assistants deal with regularly by informing them that Gourmondo could “take lunch off your plate”, along with inspiring meal photography proclaiming “our recipe for your success.” We packaged up a comprehensive toolkit that included everything from animated banners to color palettes, icons, photography, social and print ads.


Our strategy: Gourmondo meals can help you achieve #teamgoals one delicious, chef-prepared meal at a time. Playing on the popularity of #lifegoals, we created various hashtags that were relatable to admins and their hectic days. We influenced the photography to create a refreshingly appetizing, almost mesmerizing design aesthetic. The copy spoke to the truths that busy assistants deal with on the regular (i.e., dietary restrictions, impromptu catered meetings, indecisive guests) by informing them that Gourmondo could “take lunch off your plate” with inspiring meals that were “our recipe for your success.” From there, we packaged the ideas, visuals, and copy in a comprehensive toolkit that included everything from animated banners to color palettes to social and print ads.


Our measurement approach combines a focus on driving organic reach and new followers in the upper funnel, engagement and research mid funnel, and of course, conversion in the lower funnel. Ultimately, giving Gourmondo every tool they needed to weather the ebbs and flow of the pandemic.

Gourmondo_Campaign Toolkit

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